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Grass-Fed & Grass-Finished Beef

"Beef Never Tasted Better"

Grass-Fed Beef

Klasse Woods Natural Farm's goal is to produce the best Grass Fed, Grass Finished Beef possible. Our Grass Fed beef is among the healthiest and tastiest beef there is.

Our Galloway cows are very loving mother.The term "Grass Fed, Grass Finished" means that our cattle graze on our lush pastures in summer, and high quality grass/alfalfa hay in winter. All of which is grown right here at Klasse Woods Natural Farm without the use of chemicals or chemical fertilizers.

Cattle by their very nature are herbivores, meaning that they eat plants, primarily grasses. Here at KWNF we strive to have a pasture with a variety of native and domestic grasses that will bring optimum health and nutrition to our livestock. Our pastures are divided into small paddocks allowing for more controlled grazing. The cattle are routinely moved to new paddocks for a fresh "Salad-Bar".

The nutritionally dense diet of our herd enables us to raise them without any synthetic medications, antibiotics, shots, or pills.

#Grass Fed #Grass Finished #Beef

Why We Breed Galloway Cattle

Galloway cattle stem from the pages of history in the Galloway hills of Scotland. Galloway's come in a variety of colors including: Black, Belted, Red, Silver, and Dun, currently we have a variety of them.

A calf taking a nap.We love the Galloway's for their many strengths. One of the most important being that they thrive as grazers on natural pastures; as well as being excellent mothers with rich milk, giving strong healthy calves. Olds Agricultural College in Olds, Alberta observed Galloway breeds to use the least feed per kilogram of weight gain.

Their long winter coat greatly reduces the amount of feed and insulating fat required to keep out the cold. They store what little fat they do have as “marbling” throughout the meat, this gives Galloway beef a distinctive eating quality, - lean, yet exceptionally juicy, flavorful, and tender. A 1994 fat content analysis of Galloway meat in the National Sciences Department of the University of Guelph (Ontario), revealed that the total fat content of Galloway meat is exceptionally low, in the range of 2%, and in particular the harmful saturated fat content was in the range of 1%.

Certain essential fatty acids, namely linoleic acid (omega6) and linolenic (omega3). These fatty acids are essential for human cells and can not be manufactured by the human body. Omega6 fatty acid in 'excessive amounts' can produce certain cancers. It has been recommended that the omega6:omega3 ratio in foods be lower than 10:1. Galloway meat has an exceptional ratio of about 3:1, placing it close to chicken and fish for health benefits.

Please don't hesitate to Ask if you have questions about our Grass Fed, Grass Finished Galloway Beef.

#Healthy #Galloway #Beef

Ordering Information

To order you can use the Comment Form to the right or visit our Contact page. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We look forward to serving you.

Prices and a list of cuts can be found on our Product List.

Note: Prices are subject to change.

Bulk Packages

We are currently taking orders for our 2025 season.

  • 1/2 Beef - You will get one side of beef for which you can customize the cuts that you get.
  • 1/4 Beef - You will get 1/2 of one side of beef which will be an assortment of cuts.

When purchasing a 1/2 beef it is possible to list the cuts that you would like. Other packages will contain a proportion of cuts based on a whole carcass processing.

#Ordering #Beef #Prices